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- Fætter til Minna Christensen, udvandrede til USA, Elk Horn, Iowa, 1907, Flyttede til South Dakota 1909, til North Dakota 1920. Døde 19-09-2002. Begravet på Ringsaker Cemetery Rural Valley City.
Navn: Pedersen, Anders Stilling: Barn
Alder: 00 1/2 Bestemmelsessted: Quebec
Kontrakt nr.: 371400 Forevisningsdato: 9/16/1907
Fødested: Brønderslev Fødesogn: Brønderslev (Tdl. Vr. Br.slev)
Sidste oph.sogn: Vrensted Sidste oph. amt: Hjørring
Sidste oph.sted: Vrinsted Bestemmelses land: Canada
Bestemmelses by: Quebec Bestemmelses stat: Quebec
Skibsnavn: Indirekte
IDkode: I0708P1715
Bemærk fornavnet i indvandreroplysningerne "Anders"
Paul Andrew Pedersen, den ældste søn af Anna og Bertel Pedersen, blev født den 11-11-1906 i Vrensted, Danmark.
I 1907, i en alder af 9 måneder, kom han til Amerika med sine forældre til en gård i Barnes County.
Allerede i en ung alder startede han som landarbejder på de omkringliggende gårde.
Han var i stand til at arbejde for andre, fordi der var et antal yngre brødre hjemme til at hjælpe faderen.
30. juni 1932 giftede han sig med Ruth Falstad fra Kathryn sogn, Norh Dakota, i Britten South Dakota.
Parret startede med at drive landbrug i efteråret 1932 i Green township i den østlige del af sektion 3, kendt som "A.P. Paulsen" farm. To børn blev født: Dorothy (fru Curtis Torgerson, Clarkfield, Minesota) og Robert Gerald (Valley City).
I januar 1939 døde Ruth Pedersen på gården i den unge alder af 25 år.
Paul fortsatte med landbruget og den 27-01-1940 giftede han sig med Synove Falstad (Kathryn Sogn, North Dakota) i Valley City.
Medens de fortsatte med landbruget blev Carol (fru Jerome Schlager, Sacramento, Californien) og Bertel, Kathryn, North Dakota, født.
I efteråret 1942, købte de gården "The Herb and Annie Tooley" i den nordlige del af sektion 14 i Green Township.
Nu var familien blevet udvidet med Pamela, David og Diane.
Da de boede der, gik børnene i skole i Green Consolidated School i district 99 og senere almindelig skole og highschool i forbindelse med Valley City State Collage.
Earl Falstad, Mrs. Pedersen's søn, bor nu i Spokane, Washington.
Paul Andrew Pedersen var medlem af Green Township's byråd i to perioder, og er på nuværende tidspunkt medlem af Ringsaker kirkegårds bestyrelse.
Fru Pedersen er på nuværende tidspunkt sekretær for foreningen "Sons of Norway" Hjemdal Lodge.
Det at Paul var den ældste søn gjorde, at han nødvendigvis måtte arbejde med hjemme og dette gjorde, at han kun var i stand til at følge skolen i vintermånederne. Når det blev forår, måtte han forlade skolen, for at hjælpe med markarbejdet.
Da han startede med sit eget landbrug i 1932, ejede han fem heste og pløjede sine marker med en to skærs plov, og da han stoppede med landbruget, brugte han en 930 Case med en 5 skærs plov.
Gennem vintrene før 1947, da North Dakota State Highway 1 blev lavet færdig foran Pedersen familiens hjem, var den eneste transportmulighed til byen og i skole med heste og slæde. Familiens bil måtte efterlades en mil fra hjemmet, hvor bedre vejeblev holdt åbne.
Konstruktionen af denn vej, gjorde områdets mulighed for transport og mobilitet behageligt og muligt.
I dag* bor Paul og Eva (Synove) stadig på gården i Green Township.
*I 1976
- Paul Andrew Pedersen, oldest son of Anna and Bertel Pedersen, was born November 11, 1906 in Vrenstad, Denmark.
In 1907 at the age of 9 months, he came to America with his parents. After living some years at Elkhorn, Iowa, and Brookings, South Dakota, he came with his family to a farm in Barnes County.
At a young age he started to work as a farm laborer for surrounding farmers. He was able to work for others because of the number of younger sons left at home to help his father.
On June 30, 1932, he married Ruth Falstad of rural Kathryn, North Dakota, at Britten, South Dakota. The couple started farming in the fall of 1932 in Green township on the eastý of section 3, known then as the "A. P. Paulson farm." Two children were born: Dorothy (Mrs. Curtis Torgerson, Clarkfield, Minnesota) and Robert Gerald (rural Valley City).
January, 1939, Ruth Pederson died at the farm home at the early age of 25.
Paul continued farming and on January 27, 1940, he married Synove Farstad (rural Kathryn, North Dakota) at Valley City, North Dakota.
As they continued to farm, Carol (Mrs. Jerome Schlager of Sacramento, California) and Bertel (rural Kathryn, North Dakota) were born.
In the fall of 1942, they purchased the then known as "the Herb and Annie Tooley" farm; the north ý of section 14 in Green township.
Now the family was increased with: Pamela (Mrs. Robert Perkins, Recife, Brazil), David (of Mobridge, South Dakota) and Diane (Mrs. Jack Bjerke of rural Valley City, North Dakota).
When they lived here, the children attended Green Consolidated School District 99, and later the elementary and high school affiliated with the Valley City State College.
Earl Falstad, the son of Mrs. Pedersen, now resides at Spokane, Washington.
Paul Pedersen served two terms as supervisor of Green township and is presently on the board of the Ringsaker cemetery.
Mrs. Pedersen presently is secretary of Sons of Norway, Hjemdal Lodge #481.
Being Paul was the oldest son, he was needed at home and was able to attend school only during the winter months. When spring came, he had to leave school to help with the field work.
When he started farming on his own in 1932, he owned five horses and furrowed his land with a two bottom plow; when he quit farming in 1975, he used a 930 Case with a five bottom plow.
During the winters before 1947 when North Dakota State Highway # 1 was completed directly in front of the Pedersen home, the only transportation to town and to school was by horse and sleigh. The family car had to be left one mile from the housewhere adequate roads were kept open.
The construction of this road made county transportation and mobility convenient and available.
Today*, Paul and Eva (Synove) still live on the farm in Green Township.
*In 1976